i have been competing with my Marauder pistol for quit some time. one of the first modifications i did was to add a trigger shoe on the factory trigger blade. the factory blade is so thin i couldn't get a good feel. what i have learned is that many other shooters feel the same way about there pistols. some feel one should have come from the factory with it installed. my new shoe offers a wider feeling with a slightly longer length of pull. it fits so well one has to press it on, and it stays there until it is tightened by two allen set screws. . when i attended the last regional out of state, a shooter asked if he could get one from me. two weeks later he got his and was completely happy with it. this is all i needed to hear so i started making them in big numbers in a variety of colors. below are some pictures.
introductory price per shoe...19.95 shipped
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916 752 6762
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